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Clinical profile of patients with black himalayan bear mauling injuries in the region of garhwal

Authors:Nikhil Puri*, Sanjay Dvivedi , Jyoti Dvivedi , Charu Chaudhary
Int J Biol Med Res. 2015; 6(1): 4805-4809  |  PDF File


Introduction- Injuries caused by Himalayan black bears in foothills of Himalayas are frequent with humans encroaching their territory for firewood and cattle – fodder. These injuries in different persons have several points of similarity, and there are important implications for immediate management and reconstruction. We present our experience with 38 cases. Aims /Objectives: To analyse bear mauling cases for pattern of anatomical injuries and to study the management of such injuries. Methods: Microsoft Excel version 2007 was used for this observational study and data subjected to descriptive statistical analysis. Results- There were major maxillofacial injuries involving bones and soft tissue, that reported unmanaged or after primary care. Being the most projecting part of the body, the head is subjected to mauling by bear at a close range. The mid-facial structures –zygoma, maxilla, nose, pinna, orbit and eyeballs were most commonly involved. Discussion: Most encounters occur in the early morning. These attacks are sudden encounters and are not intended for eating purpose. At the advanced center mid face and injured eye should be given top priority. Primary reconstruction provides best results. The stabilization of fractured facial bones requires internal stabilisation with mini plate-screws or inter-osseous wires. Conclusion: This study sets up management protocols for patients with bear mauling injuries. At the nearest primary center, exploration, debridement and loose tucking of the wounds should be done. The patients should then be immediately referred to advanced center for reconstructive surgery.