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Effect of abnormal thyroid hormone changes in lipid per oxidation and antioxidant imbalance in hypo and hyperthyroid patients

Authors:Kandasamy Babu , Indira A Jayaraj ,Jeganathan Prabhakar
Int J Biol Med Res. 2011; 2(4): 1122 – 1126  |  PDF File


The thyroid gland is the body’s primary regulator of metabolism. Thyroid hormones are necessary for the normal development of body organs. High concentrations of thyroid hormones may change the metabolism of oxygen in the cells and stimulate the production of free radicals. Thyroid hormone has a pro-oxidant effect and increases the oxygen free radical production and hence the resultant decrease in antioxidant state in case of hyperthyroidism when compared to the normal and hypothyroidism. Treatment with thyroxin alsoproduces oxidative stress. Oxidative stress and hypothyroidism causes immunosuppression. It appears that thyroid gland plays a central role in generating generalized oxidative stress in diseasedcondition.Thyroid hormones play a crucial role in theregulation of mitochondrial oxidative metabolism. The present study aims to investigate the free radical scavenging activity and lipid peroxidation in both hyper and hypothyroid patients.