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Histogenesis of suprarenal gland in fetuses of different gestational age groups

Authors:Khayati Sant Ram , Anshu Sharma , Mahesh Sharma
Int J Biol Med Res. 2013; 4(1): 2675-2682  |  PDF File


ABSTRACT:- Thirty suprarenal glands (both right and left) of different gestational age groups were studied to see the cytoarchitecture using different stains. The present study was carried out in the department of Anatomy, Government Medical College & Hospital, Chandigarh. The material for the study consisted of 30 spontaneously aborted human fetal specimens from 12th to 28th weeks of gestational ages. The suprarenal glands were taken from fetal specimens for histological study. The staining was done by three different methods; Hematoxylin and eosin, Malory’s Trichrome and Singh’s Modification of Masson-Hamperl Argentaffin Technique. Histologically, it was observed that suprarenal gland has a superficial narrow zone of darkly stained cells underneath the capsule, which was the permanent cortex and a deeper lighter zone called the fetal cortex. The changes were seen in thickness of capsule, medulla and the layers of the cortex. The study will establish the micro development of suprarenal gland in human fetuses in North-West Indian population. The arrangement of cells in the permanent cortex changed from the discrete cells and clusters to well formed glomerulus like structure with increasing gestational period. Fasiculo reticular zone of the fetal cortex decreased in thickness as gestation advanced. The cells were arranged in columns extending deeper into the cortex towards medulla. Sinusoidal vessels increased in number and were 34 micron wide at 11-15 weeks and decreased to 15 micron at >25 weeks gestation. In the medulla, the ganglionic cells were 3-4/field initially which increased to 25-30/field in later gestation period. Few cells showed vacuolization at 11-15 weeks and there was presence of fibrous zone in the medulla consisting of collagen fibres with fibroblasts at >15-20 weeks suggesting early degenerative changes.