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Evaluation of medical ethics application in hail, ksa

Authors:Alharbi AF , Alrashedi AA , Kalifah SM , Alsarra MN , Alblwy AJ , Alshammari TZ , Albalawi AM.
Int J Biol Med Res. 2016; 7(3): 5625-5630  |  PDF File


Throughout history, men have repeatedly made judgments regarding their own conduct and that of their fellow men. Some acts have been judged to be right or good, while other acts have been denounced as wrong or evil. Ethical judgment in medicine, as in other areas of life, is an attempt to distinguish between good and bad conduct. Research ethics guidelines are essential for conducting medical research. Recently, numerous attempts have been made to establish national clinical research documents in the countries of the Middle East. This article analyzes these documents. The aim of the study is to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices among healthcare professionals in Hail in relation to healthcare ethics and law in an attempt to assist in guiding their professional conduct and aid in curriculum development.