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Cross sectional study of audiologic disorders by auditory brainstem evoked response analyzer among people living with hiv in rural areas of wardha district

Authors:Nazli Khatib ,Dr Sanjay Zodpey , D A Biswas , V K Deshpande , Shilpa Bawankule ,Abhay M. Gaidhane ,Quazi Syed Zahiruddin
Int J Biol Med Res. 2011; 2(4): 942 – 945  |  PDF File


Objectives: The objectives of this study was to explore this relationship in a group of adults infected with HIV/AIDS attending 909-bedded tertiary care teaching hospital. Methods: This is a cross- sectional study of HIV-positive patients, with data collected using an otologic questionnaire, otologic examination and audiologic evaluation. All 158 patients who had proven HIV infection, and those who had met the WHO stage criteria for the diagnosis of AIDS volunteered for this study. One of the tools that were used to assess audio logic disorders is the auditory brainstem evoked response analyzer (BERA). Results: 60.7% were males and the average age was 35.6 ±8.57 years. 76 (48.1%) participants were having hearing loss. 63.1% had hearing loss with CD 4+ cell count less than 200 Cells/mm3. Conclusion: This study will benefit all those health care providers working in primary health care, agencies working on home-based programs and the caregivers. It will promote, restore and maximize a person’s level of comfort and function, which include care towards a dignified death.